Dogdurbek Nurgaziev

Dogdurbek Nurgaziyev was born in 1955 in the village of Çon-Kýzýl-Suu in Kýzgýzistan’s Isik-Kul district. Graduated from Frunze Art College in 1978. In 1985, he graduated from the Monumental Painting Department of the Moscow V.İ. Kurikov State Academy of Fine Arts. In 1997, he conducted his PhD at Kyrgyzstan Fine Arts Academy.

He is a member of the Kyrgyz Republic Artists Union. He is a Folk Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic. He is a board member of Kyrgyzstan National Academy of Fine Arts. He is a member of the International Creativity Academy.

He has participated in of many national and international projects and exhibitions. The artist has held 9 solo exhibitions in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Germany, France, and United Arab Emirates. His works are exhibited at the State Museum of Fine Arts of the Eastern Folk, Moscow, Russia; in the gallery of the National Palace, Geneva, Switzerland; National Museum of Fine Arts, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and in private galleries and collections in Canada, Italy, Japan, France, Norway, Turkey, the Netherlands, Korea, Switzerland, China, Germany, United States and Luxembourg.

Workshops Attended

YDÜ Kırgızistan Sanatçıları Çalıştayı