Mustafa Hastürk

Born in Hisarkoy, Cyprus in 1961. 1979-1983 studied Art and Industrial Design, Gazi University, Ankara. 2011 received his Master’s degree in art from Near East University. 2012-now has worked on his doctoral degree at Near East University. 1995-2004 became the head of the Art and Culture Committee, the secretary of finance and the executive member of the Board of Directors of the union-KTOEOS and organized KTOEOS Art and Sculpture Exhibitions and worked as one of the editors of the union’s periodical. 2001-2004 acted as the Secretary of Education for KIB-SEK, the confederation of unions 2004-2009 worked as the head of the Culture Department of the Ministry of Education and Culture in TRNC. 2013-17 worked as art and cultural advisor of the TRNC Parliament. Lecturer at Fine Arts Department, Near East University and art advisor of Founding Rector Dr. Suat Günsel.

Workshops Attended

YDÜ Kırgızistan Sanatçıları Çalıştayı

YDÜ Türksoy Ressamları Sergisi

YDÜ Türkmenistan Sanatçıları Çalıştayı

YDÜ Milli Mücadele Sergisi

Kıbrıs Türk Ressamları 2

YDÜ Cumhuriyet Sergisi

Mustafa Hastürk Retrospective

Güzel Sanatlar Öğretim Elemanları

Kıbrıs Türk Ressamları

İsmet Vehit Güney Anısına
Sanatla Var Olmak Sergisi

YDÜ Özbekistan Ressamları Çalıştayı