Kyrgyzstan Artists Painting Exhibition consisting of 25 Artworks exclusively prepared by 5 Artists from Kyrgyzstan for Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts opened by Minister of Labor and Social Security Faiz Sucuoğlu
Date Added: 20 October 2019, 22:49
Last Updated Date:04 December 2019, 17:39

Kyrgyzstan Artists Painting Exhibition consisting of 25 artworks exclusively prepared for the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts by 5 painters Gulnafis Mergenbaeva, Ulan Dzhaliyev, Yrysbai Tolonov, Abduvali Buranbaev and Stalbek Toktoev, was opened by the Minister of Labor and Social Security Faiz Sucuoğlu.

According to the information provided by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of Near East University, the opening ceremony of the exhibition was attended by the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Faiz Sucuoğlu, Founding Rector Suat İrfan Günsel, Vice Rectors, Directors of the Institutes, Deans, faculty members, artists and invited guests.

At the opening of the exhibition, Vice Rector of the Near East University Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ, painter Stalbek Toktoev on behalf of Kyrgyz artists and Minister of Labor and Social Security Faiz Sucuoğlu made a speech.

Near East University Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Tamer Şanlıdağ in his opening remarks said "There is no doubt that the harmony of the old and the new, the comprehension of the old, the originality of the new and the free production of our environment are very important. A good mentor always shows the right path and is the key to success."

“Science and art are man's forms of knowledge on the path to the absolute truth”
Prof. Şanlıdağ said "Science, which is a method of finding, understanding and verifying the truth, is accepted as the last step in the intellectual development of human beings. In the long history of mankind, none of the other ways of understanding the universe, such as mythology, metaphysics, has been successful; reliable information provided by the scientific method, the power to explain the facts could not be accessed without science. Even so, it will not be wrong to claim that art is the second power approaching to science, which can be compared with the power of scientific thought in some aspects of our modern world. Just as science works for a truth which should be considered true for every society, place and time, art also tries to find the beauty, the beauty that will never lose its value and influence anywhere and anytime. As Tolstoy said, science and art are man's ways of acquiring knowledge on the path to "absolute reality."

"Today, within the scope of the Cyprus Museum of Modern Art project, which brings together artists from many countries, 5 artists from Kyrgyzstan, Gulnafis Mergenbaeva, Ulan Dzhaliyev, Yrysbai Tolonov, Abduvali Buranbaev and Stalbek Toktoev's release freedom in creativity and unites world with art as part of this unique project. We are together at the opening of the “Kyrgyzstan Artists Painting Exhibition" which consists of 25 works. We would like to thank our artists for their contribution.”

"155 exhibitions in the last 11 months, more than 100 workshops, nearly a thousand artists from abroad, and a total of 4 thousand artists took part in the Cyprus Modern Art Museum Project"...
Prof. Şanlıdağ stated that over 100 workshops and 155 exhibitions have been held within the scope of the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts Project during the last 11 months. The number of exhibitions opened with today's exhibition is 155 in total and the total number of works so far is nearly 15.000. He added that this number continues to increase day by day, emphasizing that the Founding Rector Dr. Suat İ. Günsel embraced and encouraged the artists so that they rediscovered themselves through the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts project. Şanlıdağ said, "On the other hand, he emphasized that he has not forgotten the loyalty to the masters, that he has a big heart that pushes the limits of imagination and supports freedom in art, and also enlightens our way. And, because of his leading role in this project, he is the most important mentor of all of us."

Stalbek Toktoev; “We had the opportunity to leave a mark at the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts”
Speaking on behalf of Kyrgyz artists, Stalbek Toktoev said "This is a day of happiness and pride for Kyrgyz artists because we have had the opportunity to leave a mark at the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts. Our works will take place along with the works of other artists from all corners of the Turkic world. We are sure that the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts will be in the same line with the other world famous museums such as Luvre, Hermitage, Prado, Metropolitan, Tretyakov Gallery and Russian Museum. We are grateful to Suat İ. Günsel for the award dedicated to the name of our renowned national artist Dogdurbek Nurgaziyev. This is a great pride not only for Kyrgyz artists, but for all Kyrgyz people."

Dr. Suat Günsel was presented with the Kyrgyz National Instrument Komuz, as a gift...
Toktoev, "We would like to give you our national musical instrument komuz to Dr. Suat Günsel on behalf of the people of Kyrgyzstan. I hope that one day it will become a part of the music and art museum of the Turkish world. I wish everyone health and prosperity."

Immediately after his speech, artist Toktoev gave a mini concert with Komuz, the national musical instrument of Kyrgyzstan. In addition to his performance in the instrument, the artist received great acclaim with his song.

Minister Sucuoğlu; “Near East Family is leading to the meeting of cultures and flies the flag of art in the forefront..."
Minister of Labor and Social Security, Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu in his speech said; “It is not possible to remain insensitive to these words or to music. While listening to these, our common history and the world of Turkish peoples extending from the Altai to the Mediterranean come alive in my mind. Today, while listening to our esteemed artist, some words were familiar. This means that the root remains the same even though we have been separated for centuries. I congratulate the Near East Family, a debt of thanks I'd always express to them, if the flag of art is being carried in the forefront today, this is by dint of the Near East Family. This is because they have undertaken a very important mission on behalf of our country. If they continue like this, the number of 20 thousand targeted for 2020 will reach 30 thousand works.

"The target of 20 thousand artworks set for November 15, 2020 will reach 30 thousand..."
Minister Sucuoğlu, "With this speed and effort, the target can well be overcomed, I'm very touched today and I thank the artist friends. I am sure they will explain the TRNC in the best way when they return to their countries. I am very delighted that I have the opportunity to know them and lay my eyes on their works.”

Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the artists, exhibition ribbon was Cut...
After the speeches, Minister of Labor and Social Security Dr. Faiz Sucuoğlu presented certificates of appreciation to Kyrgyzstan artists and the exhibition ribbon was cut.

The exhibition will be open until 25 October 2019 between 08.00-16.00 on weekdays at the exhibition hall of the Near East University Faculty of Medicine.