Artist Orazbek Yesenbayev supported the fight against coronavirus with his brush for the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts
Date Added: 05 April 2020, 22:10
Last Updated Date:06 April 2020, 08:51

Due to the rapid spread of the new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) and the increasing number of cases worldwide, the artists continue to carry their arts to the canvas to draw attention and support the fight against the epidemic.

According to the information given by the Press and Public Relations Directorate of Near East University, artist Orazbek Yesenbayev reflected his support on the canvas with his brush to draw attention to the fight against coronavirus, which has caused fear and anxiety in the world.

In the statement, it was reported that, for the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts, one artist will every day continue to share his or her three artworks such as paintings, prints, and graphite during the isolation days of Covid-19.

Who is Orazbek Yesenbayev?
He was born in Kazakhstan on February 27, 1960. He graduated from Gogol Art College in Almaty in 1983. He studied at the Almaty Zhurgenov State Theater and Art Institute between 1986 and 1993. He worked as a teacher at Symbat Academy between 2011-2015. He is a member of the Art Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is a member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has been participating in national and international art exhibitions since 1980. In 2004, he opened his solo art exhibition "Vernisaj" in Almaty. In 2012, he participated in the exhibitions titled "20 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "Kazakhstan Epic" held at the A. Kasteev Museum. He participated in the international art exhibition contest "Lessendra" held in Sofia, Bulgaria. In 2019, he opened his solo art exhibition titled «Triple Memory».