Bringing art together with the public in every corner of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts continues to open new exhibitions. The third solo exhibition, bringing together 25 works of Uzbek artist Khasan Aminov, whose solo exhibitions were open to visitors free of charge, previously held at the Near East University Hospital Exhibition Hall and the University of Kyrenia Grand Library Exhibition Hall, will be held at the Near East Yeniboğaziçi Campus Halil Günsel Culture and Congress Center Exhibition.
Timur and his grandson Ulugh Bey (Uluğ Bey) are in Yeniboğaziçi!
In the exhibition, the works of the artist named “Evening”, “Oven”, “Vasses”, “The Sovereign with his Grandson” and “The pessimistic fish” come to the fore. The artist portrays Timur, one of the most important rulers of history, together with his grandson Ulugh Bey in his work titled “The Ruler with His Grandson”. Ulugh Bey, whose father was Timur’s younger son Shahruh, stands out as one of the most important scholars and statesmen of his time. Ulugh Bey, the fourth ruler of the Timurid Empire, is also known as one of the most important mathematics and astronomy scholars in Turkish history.
As in many societies, bread has a very important place in Uzbek culture. In his work titled “The Oven”, the artist depicts the production process of Uzbek Pides, which are the symbol of goodness and prosperity. In his work titled “Evening”, he describes rural village life. On the other hand, “The Vagrants” depicts a nomadic man befriending two dogs. The artist gives the message that people should focus more on positive moments in his work “Peasant-Pisces”.
Who is Khasan Aminov?
Born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on February 2, 1962, Khasan Aminov was the Head of the Education Department at the Republic Art College between 1993-1995; Between 2005-2010, he served as a director at the same institution. He served as the Rector of Kamoliddin Behzod National Institute of Art and Design between 2010-2019. Two of his solo exhibitions were opened within the scope of the Cyprus Museum of Modern Arts in 2019 and 2022. He was presented with the Silver Key Honor Award for his work in the field of art.