He graduated from the Department of Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, Marmara University in 1986. He was granted a scholarship and studied lithography at Salzburg Summer Academy in 1987. In 1993, he obtained his degree of proficiency in arts at Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences. He held 31 solo exhibitions, four of which was in abroad. He participated in many mixed exhibitions. He won 14 awards, among them are the State Painting Competition and the DYO Painting Competition. About the artist, a book titled Devabil Kara, Traces Shadows and Some Things We Lost and Found was written. He is currently teaching at Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Painting. He defines his way of art by saying “I am trying to create images that fill the gap between past and present, by navigating both inside and outside of time”.
Devabil Kara